Fully Automated Airbrush Spray Tanning
Experience the Convenience of No Appointments, Quick Sessions and Complete Privacy!

Prior to Sunless Session:
Instruction Video
Tips for a Better Sunless Tan!
After Sunless Session:
Maintaining Your Sunless Tan:
To maintain your sunless tan, we suggest a session once every 5-7 days. Please follow the after sunless session tips for best results.
Special Events and Weddings
Since sunless tanning reacts differently on each person’s skin, we recommend 2 sunless trial sessions before any big event. Learn how to properly apply barrier cream, become familiar with the sunless misting poses, and learn how to blot dry and maintain your tan for more even results. Let our service provider know about the event and any skin tone desires. After a trial sunless session, inspect skin daily in sunlight and various low light situations to determine which day works best to determine when to have a sunless session prior to the event. Most like to have their sunless session two days before their event and shower 3 times to balance out the color. Follow our other tanning tips for best results.